I recently had the privilege of recording my story for a company podcast. To say I was nervous would be a complete understatement. To be honest, I always get nervous before I do any public speaking but this was an entirely different experience for me. To sit there and just speak into a zoom recording with no cameras on or any audience feedback was a new thing for me. It had also been a long time since I actually retold my story and how I found ketones. Sometimes I joke that they actually found me, which is actually very true. I never intended to share them either. I just fell in love with the product, how I felt and the person I was becoming everyday as I drank them. My negative connotations about the direct sales industry were pretty embedded into me and I didn't think anything would change my mind about this business model. Until it did. So for those of you that want to hear how it all began, here it is. Please forgive the shaking voice, the rambling sentences, and my nervousness. My hope is that you hear my heart, my vulnerability, my passion and my decision to say what if??! That decision has changed my life and has created a ripple effect for years to come for my family. What if you knew you could NOT fail? Would your decisions look different?
Would you have chosen a different path?
It's that very sentence I actually heard that made me decide to leap. I hope this provides some value and inspiration for you to live the life you've always wanted to.
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? 🤔🤩 Being vulnerable about where you were, where you want to go, and where you want to be is a PØWERFUL piece of your story!
From being a skeptic to changing her mind about becoming a promoter, join Inner Circle Council member, Jodi Scheibe, in today’s episode to learn more about her story and how sharing your wins can inspire others to share their story!